RKR GRKS is an Educational Family where students and teachers from different walks of life come together for Educational Growth. This school serves students from Kinder Garten until 12th standard. The aim of our school is to produce Competent, Disciplined, Matured and Patriotic Citizens.
We provide Quality Education so that every student is able to reach his/her full potential within a caring, secure, and stimulating environment to foster Overall Personality Development. Quality Education is provided to all students irrespective of aptitude and learning abilities.
The School with its Dynamic Curriculum aims to provide a nurturing environment to its students and teachers to attain greater heights. It also aims at instilling Confidence in the students to face their Board Examination effectively. Utmost Care and Guidance is given to Academically weak students by arranging subject-wise remedial classes.
The Syllabus for each class is carefully planned to ensure that the child acquires a sound knowledge of basic concepts in all the subjects. The learning process is further enriched by the teacher-designed worksheets, which are regularly provided to the children. It sets a new trend for excellence in learning by emphasizing vocabulary development, language structure reading, comprehension, creative writing and providing them with the opportunity to review and reinforce concepts and investigation skills.
GRKS has established a formidable reputation for itself as a progressive and a multi-disciplinary school where children are truly educated, enriched and empowered to innovate and create. We have been securing cent % result both in SSLC Examination and +2 Govt. Examinations.
It is an off shoot of an “Ambition and Mission” to establish a school to impart education in the real sense of the term “INVESTOR IN PEOPLE”,with a motto of WE SERVE”, paving way to all round personality of children harmonizing the rich traditional traits of culture, well equipped to meet the challenges throughout their life.
Nelson Mandela rightly said: “Education is the most
powerful weapon through which you can change the world”